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Are you looking for a fun activity to help prepare your child for the real world?

You don't have to do it all by yourself. Let us help share the load.
Mum and Dad
We help kids learn about the real world, but in a fun environment.
We focus on skills they will need throughout life. Focus, discipline, listening, determination, and perserverance.
We teach them that hard work brings rewards and will help them progress in school and in life.
We show that hard work is rewarded and this will give them the confidence to face exams head on.
It's a great stress releiver, so when those exams do come, they're not only ready, but happy and able to concentrate better.
Lets get your child ready for success

Let us help your child in developing awesome life skills, a determined attitude and an unbreakable resilience.

Champions for life program delivered by a fully qualified secondary school teacher.
We don't focus on fighting, sparring and competition.
We focus on developing unbreakable children.

Highly experienced fully qualified black belt instructor team.
4 waysmartial arts benefits your child
Help your child develop great social skills, by mixing it up with more children.
Get your child active and learning new skills.
Teach your child the love of sport and being active early on.
Teach them being active with others is fun!
What classes do you have for kids?
We have age specific classes. We recognise that children have different learning needs at each age group. So we can maximise the benefits to your child; we have classes available as follows:
Tigers 5-6 Years old - Dragons 7-10 years old and Juniors 10+
What if my child changes their mind?
No problem. We don't have long term contracts. You can leave us at anytime with no further charges. We do work with all parents to ensure that the child is getting the most out of every class and help parents support their child in coming to our classes.
Will my child start fighting?
No, on the contrary. Evidence suggests that children who participate in martial arts classes are LESS likely to be involved in a fight. As we teach a self defence, we spend a lot of time teaching them when they can and cannot use their techniques. So they are even less likely to start fighting.
Is your class suitable for my child, they have ADHD, ASD other speech or learning needs...
Yes, we have a very experienced team, including a fully qualified secondary school teacher. Between us we have over 40 years of teaching experience and are accustomed to working with and helping integrate all children into our classes

My son has been attending martial arts for a year and a half and absolutely loves it. He goes twice a week but would go everyday if he could.
Thanks to this class with Sarah and Paul, he has found his confidence and much more. Having great tutors helps so much and I would recommend them to anyone.
Claire O Halloran

My son attends twice a week for a year now. He really enjoys it. It has given my son so much more confidence. Sarah and Paul are so friendly and makes everyone feel comfortable and confident. Turning then into great self defensive kids.
Emma Hayes

Both of my boys had reservations about joining Peak Performance. I knew they would enjoy it and everything that was offered. The main thing is I knew it would really add value to their every day life skills and it has.
Paul & Sarah instantly changed their opinion after their first ever lesson.
Paul & Sarah have been great every step of the way, they listen & learn to understand what makes your child tick and gives them motivational challenges each week to take home and think about.
Both boys have no regret about joining and want to go all the way with peak performance with the aim to getting their black belt
If I could recommend any activity to take part in 100%, it would be Peak Performance! Need I say no more.
Becky Teubler

I got into Choi because I was bored of the gym. I still find it challenging and rewarding after all this time. I have made good friends, been able to watch and train with my son, which is priceless and kept fit and healthy.
Until we meet....
Martin New, Head Instructor
Maidenbower and Pound Hill
Maidenbower Infant School
7 Harvest Road
RH10 7RA
Pound Hill Infant School
Crawley Lane
Pound Hill
RH10 7EB